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Shilo Elena Valerievna, Liubanets Irina Ivanovna, Kopytsich Irina Georgievna, Baranovichi State University, Baranovichi, Belarus irina_lubanetz@inbox.ru
During the period of student's life the university becomes the second house for young people therefore the creation of the most favorable atmosphere in higher education institution is natural that give the foundation of professional ethics of future experts. There are reasons thanks to which the process of adaptation of trainees to specifics of a higher educational institution becomes complicated. In these conditions the role of the GS (whose main goal is creation of group of students) is important, and it demands huge efforts and responsibility, both from the GS and from students [5, p. 82]. In this regard education has to be considered as difficult multilevel process, and the creation of educational work is the system of a supervision directed to formation of quality of life of students. For ensuring quality of life of students it is necessary to adhere to the following basic provisions: – up-bringing of student's youth is a peculiar component of social process with the series of the social phenomena connected with the principles or structurally functional dependences; – up-bringing is a system of the influences aimed at the identity of the young man. According to scientists, there are two types of such influence: direct influence on object of education and the mediated influence on object of education that is the influence on conditions and factors of educational process. Considering that up-bringing is a process of purposeful influence on the person with economic, political, spiritual, sociocultural, ecological, psychological factors, we define education in higher education institution as a component of social and pedagogical process, and, thus, we bring this process apart from a framework of narrow interaction of the tutor and students where the major role is played by the GS [2, p.8]. The work of GS requires big self-devotion, the application of intellectual, emotional efforts, constant growth and improvement. The modern GSr should not be the indifferent, passive observer. It should be noted that students feel special need in the teacher-supervisor at the beginning of the student's way. The first-year student appears in the sphere of absolutely new contacts, duties and feelings. At this stage it is important that the student feel support and interest not only in his everyday life, but also in his destiny [3, p.6]. The problem of formation of quality of students’ life in the course of educational work in higher education institution is, in essence, a problem of self-development, self-education, self-improvement of the identity of the student which is solved, first of all, by functioning of the system of supervision in educational institution capable to create subjective and objective conditions. The educational process in higher education institution is directed to formation of quality of life of students which is a certain social and pedagogical system which is based not on the principles of domination or opposition but on the principles of cooperation. Factors of up-bringing process in higher education institution can be grouped as follows: – external and internal which define the nature of their action on the process from inside or externally; – positive and negative when the first promote educational process, and others brake; – direct and indirect, and direct factors affect educational process, and indirect factors affect sources and conditions [1, p. 78]. In this regard GS work is defined by the purposes and problems of teaching and educational process in higher education institution. The task of educational work in higher education institution should not come down only to creation of the "educational environment", conditions allowing the identity of the student to develop in harmony with public culture. The main tasks in educational work of GS are: – development of personal sense in acquisition of scientific knowledge that is not the end, but that is a motivational basis which forms person’s outlook; – formation of moral bases of the student; – development of an esthetic orientation of student’s personality. Formation of a civic position of the student (vital credo, personal orientations) and the qualities of the personality connected with professional activity are derivative from the basic characteristics of the personality which are marked out above. The analysis of essence of the fundamental and derivative purposes and problems of education allows formulating the following basic principles of the system organization of educational work: The principle of domination of a professional pedagogical orientation assumes "pedagogical saturation" of all forms of the organization of teaching and educational process in higher education institution and works of all divisions. This principle assumes the following main activities of higher education institution in the educational aspect: – introduction in of the section "Educational Work with Students" to individual plans of teachers; – strengthening of a pedagogical aspects of lectures, seminars and practical lessons; – the invitation of the best teachers, masters of pedagogical work to reading separate lectures, special courses, special seminars and elective courses; – development of "Instructions to the first-year student" which has not only a congratulation on the accession to student's community but contains the rights, duties of the student, data on history, traditions, customs of higher education institution; – development of "Statute on the best student's group" of faculty. The principle of organic unity of educational and extracurricular scientific work assumes the creation of the atmosphere of "a science cult". The principle of timely identification and support of talented youth assumes the address of special attention to students of the first year having high points in republican testing, graduates of the colleges which finished study with honors to give them opportunities of further development of their abilities; the stimulation of students in further development of the abilities. The principle of information support of up-bringing is defined by the publicity of its results. The principle of activity approach is the fundamental principle of psychology according to which the personality is not only shown in activity, but it is also formed o during its own activity. This principle assumes the organization of educational work on the following directions: – enhancing the role of student's self-government in higher education institution; – taking into account the offer on carrying out day (week) under student's self-government in higher education institution after the corresponding training of teachers and students; – development of motivation of students to be engaged in public work [3, p. 63]. The GS, bearing responsibility for destiny of the student during training at university, has to keep in a continuous communication with his parents. Communication of the GS with parents of the student includes: personal meetings in case of need (some conflict situations, the current poor progress, etc.), correspondence - letters of thanks to parents, letters-calls, etc. For these and many other purposes the system of GS guiding is created; each academic group has the GS from the teachers’ staff of department [1, p. 78]. Constant communication between GS and students gives GS the chance to learn students’ identity. He often mediates between the teacher and the student, comes into business contacts with public organizations, and solves the specific pedagogical problems connected with formation of the interpersonal relations in student's collective. The purpose of GS work is not only the raising of academic and domestic discipline, but also the introduction of the democratic principles of management of groups focused on transition to self-government. The GS carries out the activity in interaction with department, faculty, direction of educational work with youth, social and pedagogical and psychological service, and youth public organizations, collegial bodies of student's self-government, other structural divisions of university, teachers, and parents of students [1, p. 79]. "The comprehensive program of educational work on formation of the general and professional culture of future specialist" is developed for achievement of this purpose in the Baranovichi State University [6]. It provides the following directions of educational work: – education of the patriotic citizen, increase in level of a national consciousness; – education of the professional, responsible attitude to mastering bases of professional skill; – becoming the family man. Foster a sense of responsibility for performance of functions of the family man; – formation of political culture; active participation of students in public life of higher education institution and their readiness to perform the role of the public figure; – development of individual abilities of the student, assistance to his all-round creative development. Organizing and carrying out educational work, the GS has to lean on a group asset, give necessary help, and develop an initiative, independence, increase organization and the responsibility for the charged work. To carry out this task successfully the GS has to conduct individual work with students constantly. Acquaintance with students, as a rule, begins with studying of documentation (a personal record, the journal of attendance and the current progress) and the process continues during the individual conversations, teaching and educational work. The fullest information on students is given by out-of-class communication. During the meetings, discussions, debates, evenings, amateur art festivals, sports competitions and other actions GS has an opportunity to know students better [6]. Approximate program of studying the student: General information about the student: – surname, name, patronymic name; – the date of birth; – name of educational institution and expiration date; – marital status; – what are parents and the place of work; – state of health of the student; – home address. General level of development of the student: – physical development; – intellectual development; – relation to study; – progress of the student; – relation to physical work; – discipline level; – interests and tendencies. Public work of the student: – participation in public life of group, course, faculty, higher education institution; – nature of performance of public work; – the place of the student in group. Main lines of student’s personality: – public consciousness; – moral qualities; – strong-willed traits of character; – features of temperament of the student and his mental processes. Main methods of studying students: – acquaintance with personal records of students; – observation (systematic, selective); – analysis of progress, public work of the student; – individual conversations; – conversations with parents, teachers, tutors, friends, roommates, etc.; – sociological polls, questioning, debates. The plan of educational work in group is formed by the GS for a semester on the basis of the plan of educational work of faculty. The plan of GS has to meet the following pedagogical requirements to increase in efficiency of up-bringing: – reality and purposefulness; – a variety of contents, forms and methods of educational work in group; – ensuring systematicity and sequence in up-bringing of students; – coherence in scheduling [3, p. 83]. The main directions and forms of educational work are: – ideological and educational work (holding debates, discussions, lectures and conversations, evenings, participation in the social and political events held in the country, in higher education institution at faculty, in group, etc.); – educational and scientific work of students (a conversation on the organizations of study, self-education, discussion of questions of progress, participation of students in research works, scientific circles, a meeting with outstanding economists, lawyers – university graduates, carrying out days of specialty, professional orientation work); – socially useful work (participation in review competitions on the best room, the floor in the hostel, etc.); – cultural and mass work (collective visit of theaters, cinema, exhibitions, holding excursions, participation in amateur performances, carrying out evenings of rest, thematic evenings, discos, etc.); – sports and mass work (holding sports festivals, competitions in different types of sport, work of sections, circles, participation in a sports contest, etc.); – individual work with students (diagnosing the level of professionally directed identity of the student, formation of professional traits of character, prevention of the negative phenomena and offenses among student's youth) [3, p. 63]. Thus, the GS of student's group is a teacher whose educational activity significantly influences what will be future expert as he will treat the professional duties that for it will be the main reference point and criterion of professional activity. GS solves more important public purpose – what person the student will be, for whom and how he will solve the complex problems facing mankind as he will become the member of our society [4].
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